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By Debra E Dallas, PhD,MIfHI,CI


        What enticed me to write on the subject of allergies is a report I heard on the news on how global warming has lead to more severe allergies. Where the premise of this statement has logic; the longer the warm weather lasts, the longer the pollen season is, I get that. Why do you never hear the news report on why people have allergies? The news I hear is how high the pollen count is on any particular day, and the great anti-histamine drugs available to help people feel better. These people are not truly better; their symptoms are simply relieved for the time being.


        By writing this article, I hope to enlighten all of the readers who suffer with seasonal or environmental allergies as to why they have allergies in the first place and what a person can do, proactively, to eliminate them instead of simply changing the way your body responds to the allergens with a drug.


The Mechanism of a Seasonal Allergy Response


        What makes us sneeze? A sneeze is an involuntary forceful expulsion of air and mucus released through the mouth and nose. This is a natural spontaneous response to an antigen, dust, lint, or any foreign pathogen that enters into the respiratory tract. When any of these foreign bodies attaches to the nose hairs in the anterior nasal passage or the cilia of the nasal passages, it initiates a bodily response known as a sneeze. So a sneeze that occurs when a flower is smelled or when a lawn is being mowed is not necessarily allergies, but a way the body rids itself of foreign particles that enter our airways.


        Sneezing continually when particles are inhaled into the sinuses is a completely different story. This kind of sneezing, usually accompanied with burning, itching, and watering eyes is an over-reaction to these particles entering the airways. This is considered allergies; Allergic Rhinitis.


        Allergies are an over-production of histamine from the mast cells, eosinophils, and basophils in the respiratory tract. This immune response dilates capillaries increasing the permeability. This enables the capillaries to leak fluid from the blood stream into the extra-cellular matrix causing swelling. This is what causes the inflammatory response in the eyes and sinuses.


        This is an explanation of seasonal allergies, along with dust, dust mites, etc. Chemical allergies are really chemical sensitivities; that is a completely different scenario.


Chemical Allergies or Chemical Sensitivities?


        As I said, chemical allergies are actually sensitivities. The difference is the cause of the histamine response, not the pathway. The Chinese say that when an individual is sensitive to chemicals that their cup runneth over. The cup is the liver. A liver that is inundated with fats leaking from the intestinal tract will retain environmental chemicals as it gets trapped in the fat. A person that is exposed continually to a particular toxin in their home or work environment is also a candidate. A couple examples are Hair Stylists or Exterminators. Due to fat build-up, the liver can no longer efficiently perform its daily duties of detoxifying the chemicals that enter the liver and safely eliminating them through the kidneys. The toxins are eventually exited from the liver and stored in fat cells and the extra-cellular spaces. The chemicals continue to collect within the body until these people can no longer bear to be around any chemicals at all without having a reaction. The symptoms are so varied; much more so than those suffering from seasonal allergies, that they are too numerous to list here. The following link is a website that has them listed:


        These people absolutely need to cleanse their bodies. The situation will never correct itself without eliminating its source and detoxifying the entire body.


Allergy Rhinitis


        Allergy rhinitis is condition named for sufferers of seasonal allergies. Why do so many people have allergies? And why do some people not suffer from allergies? The answer is what I have observed over the years through Iridology, simply looking at tongues to see if there is a white or yellow coating on the tongue and asking questions like:


1) Do you take antibiotics when you are sick?

2) Do you suffer from sinus infections?

3) Do you have post nasal drip?

4) Do you suffer from urinary or vaginal infections?

5) Do you snore or have sleep apnea?

6) Do you have acid reflux?Are you constipated?



Nine out of ten times when people answer “yes” to some of these questions, they also suffer from allergies. Candida Albicans is the culprit. When Candida albicans lines the sinuses then any antigen in the air that enters the ole factory is going to react with the Candida. It is simple common sense. People that do not have Candida albicans also do not have allergies, rarely suffer from sinus infections, rarely suffer from a urinary or vaginal infection, and do not snore or have sleep apnea. These people do not have a yellow or brown center to their iris and do not have a white or yellow tongue.


YUK! The tongue of a healthy individual should be pink with no graphic lines. A red tongue is a sign of a hiatel hernia. The acid fumes emanating from the stomach 24 hours a day kill off all bacteria on the tongue, including the friendly bacteria. So if a person has a red tongue they most likely have thrush in the sinuses, it simply cannot live in the acidic environment of the mouth.


What Exactly Is Candida Albicans?


        Candida is a fungus that has a very important job in the human body. It enters the bloodstream from the intestinal tract and eats excess sugar in the blood to help regulate our blood-sugar levels (Graham, 2006). It is interesting how much information there is available to the public on Candida albicans as to the danger it poses to the human body, yet it is essential to us in the big scheme of life. But the key element to its essentiality is “balance.” The fungus is kept in check with the “friendly” bacteria, probiotics, as they compete for food. The problem of a Candida over-growth occurs when the friendly bacteria is compromised by antibiotics. Then there is enough food for the fungus to grow out of control. Once the Candida had over-populated the intestinal tract, is can migrate along any pathway in the body; including the respiratory tract. Once in the sinuses, the over-reaction to the elements in the air can occur.


        To refer back to the 7 questions I ask people to determine a Candida overgrowth, the purpose for these questions are as followed:

        Question #1: Do you take antibiotics when you are sick? Antibiotics are one of the major causes of Candida albicans, that is why that is the first questions asked.

        Question #2: Do you suffer from sinus infections? Thrush in the sinuses provides a perfect environment for bacteria over-growth that initiates a sinus infection. People that do not have a Candida over-growth rarely or never suffer from sinus infections.

        Question #3: Do you have post nasal drip? Some people have had post nasal drip for so long, that they do not realize that it is not a normal process. It is so prevalent in today’s society, that it is considered normal! A traffic reporter on a morning news program should be able to get through a 15 second clip without having to clear his throat! The problem aspirates itself when the person does realize it is a problem, refers to his doctor for help, just to be prescribed an antibiotic: the exact cause to the problem in the first place. It is a tread-mill affect.

        Question #4: Do you suffer from vaginal or urinary tract infections? It is the same scenario as sinus infections, just the opposite end of the body. Once again, antibiotics are prescribed, with the same results; the patient feels better for now, but the infection returns at a later date.

        Question #5: Do you snore or have sleep apnea? Snoring and sleep apnea is a somewhat different scenario; still involving the Candida. The normal course of action with the respiratory system when we sleep is similar to the shark when his mouth opens wide to engulf its prey. When its mouth opens, water rushes in to the oral cavity. A flap closes in the throat to inhibit water from drowning the shark. Our breathing pattern when sleeping is similar. Humans are designed to breathe through our noses when sleeping. When Candia albicans accumulates in the sinus passages, the opening is restricted to an extent that when sleeping, the nasal opening can not suffice the body’s need for air. So the body automatically compensates by breathing through the mouth. But the human throat acts similarly to the flap in a shark. When we sleep breathing through the nose, the throat relaxes and closes off the air passage. So when forced to breathe through the mouth, the body is still closing off the throat initiating a rumbling sound known as snoring. Sleep Apnea is a more serious form of snoring, as it inhibits breathing altogether, but causation is the same.

        Question # 6: Do you have acid reflux? Now it is obvious that Candida is not the single cause for acid reflux, but it is a common cause. Other factors are Hiatel Hernia and poor diet. Actually, it is causative of post nasal drip! When fungus laden mucus is swallowed, it clings to the esophagus and cardiac sphincter valve. Once on these tissues, it multiplies, so the valve cannot close properly. This triggers the stomach to produce acid when it is not needed, the only way out is up. The Candida will also grow in the stomach. This causes the stomach to make too much acid when food is present, so people will experience reflux only when they eat.

        Question #7: Are you constipated? How does Candida affect our daily constitution? The beneficial bacteria are crucial to the chime moving through the intestinal tract properly. It also affects how well our nutrients are broken down and assimilated. Too much yeast inhibits normal peristalsis, causing a build-up of feces and clogging up the works.

        Candida over-growth can make everyday life simply miserable. Two of the aspects we love most in life: eating and sleeping, can become our worst enemies. What can you do about Candida over-growth once it is established? Obviously the answer is not antibiotics: not to say that they do not have their place….but not here.


Regaining Balance


        Yes, the answer is to regain balance: not killing off all of the Candida albicans. The body still needs some to control sugar levels in the blood. The best way to shrink the numbers of fungus is to starve it: limit (not eliminate) the intake of sugar and carbohydrates, and take a probiotic supplement. If the level of beneficial bacteria is to rise and the sugar intake drops, the competition for food would be great, and the level of fungus would shrink. Now, that is in the intestines where the over-growth originated. But the problem is, the fungus has migrated to the sinuses, urinary tract, vaginal tract, and to be quite frank, it is probably systemic.


        The best course of action is to start at location #1, the intestinal tract. Taking a good probiotic that will survive the stomach acid is a logical place to start. Now, I heard through the grapevine that someone said, “I do not know what I am talking about” when it comes to probiotics. This person feels that the more probiotics you take, the better. To regain balance in the intestinal tract, one does not need a probiotic bomb. By taking a moderate probiotics product, a normal balance can be achieved. Bombing the intestinal tract with a probiotic product that is unreasonably high, taken over time, the person will experience symptoms as gas, bloating, diarrhea, etc. A good probiotic releasing between 1 – 2.5 million beneficial bacteria taken prophylactically is definitely sufficient. By slowing restoring the balance, die –off reactions are minimal to nil. There are products in the store that look like little beads. Their release is exactly what is needed for balance to be restored.


        Now, the sinuses can be addressed at the same time, as they should be. The sinuses are responsible for Candida infecting the stomach, esophagus, and bronchioles. The best avenue to achieve the fastest results is confronting this homeopathically. Why not let your own immune system do its job? There is a homeopathic remedy called Agaricus musc 200C. This product does an incredible job, noticed with the first dose


        .Most people go to the doctor when they are experiencing symptoms of Candida. Why is that not a good idea? The only way to address this by your doctor is with antibiotics or Nystatin. Why aren’t antibiotics the proper way to go? That is why it is a problem in the first place. Why is Nystatin not a good alternative? After all, it does make the patient feel better for a while. The problem simply comes back. The patient would need to supplement with probiotics for the Nystatin to really make a difference and very few doctors recommend taking the probiotics after the treatment; although some do.


        Once the fungus is under control, colon cleanses (taken orally) help flush the dead fungus from the intestinal tract. Then a healthy environment can be established through probiotics supplementation. It is obvious in the eye when a person follows this protocol. A brown eye is not always what it seems to be. If the slightest bit of blue is seen in a brown eye, it is not a true brown eye, but a very toxic body. Cleansing the body can restore the true blue eye color.





Calman, P., Metcalfe, D., Stone, K., (February, 2010). IgE, Mast Cells, Basophils, and Eosophils. Retrieved on September 28, 2013 from:


Photo: Kadleck, C., (2011). Retrieved September 28, 2013 from:


Graham, D. (2008). The 80/80/10 Diet, (pg. 38). Georgia: FoodnSport Press.


Sneezing Child PhotoTrent Chambers/iStockphoto, (2010). Retrieved on September 28, 2013 from: 


Tongue Photo: Photographer unknown, posted by Suttner, H. (2013). Retrieved on September 29, 2013 from:









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